Otto Beutnagel († 2017)

Treffen mit den Mitgliedern der Liliengruppe der GdS im Garten unseres Lilienfreundes Otto Beutnagel/Braunschweig (24.06.2006)
Abstammung:Bellingham Hybrids x Oliver Wyatt Beschreibung:Tips light orange, middle of each petal yellow, base green; spotted. Fls 10cm wide; only outer petals reflexed. Stems 1.7m, with 10-12 fls. Mid July.
Abstammung:Terrace City Hybrids x L.tsingauenseBeschreibung:Orange, with small red spots over the whole flower; pollen orange-red. Stems 1.0m, dark green. Late June.Bezug:Salzborn: 2008;
Abstammung:L. martagon hybrid x L. tsingtauenseBeschreibung:Yellow, with a few spots; no pollen. Stems 0.6m. Late June.
Abstammung:L. martagon hybrid x L. tsingtauenseBeschreibung:Yellow, with red spots; pollen red. Fls ball shaped. Late June.Bezug:Salzborn: 1997,1999;
Abstammung:Hansonii x tsingtauenseBeschreibung:Inside orange, with a few spots. Stems 1.2m. Late July. (Published in German Lily Group sales list, 1987; unacceptable name (Art. 17.2).)Bezug:Salzborn: 1996,1997;
Abstammung:Bellingham Hybrids x Afterglow Beschreibung:Rich cream and golden yellow, thickly spotted with purple-black; nectary green; pollen light brown. Petals slightly reflexed. Fls 100mm wide. Lvs whorled, 100 x 25mm, mid green. Stems 1.6m, green, with c.15 fls. July.
Abstammung:Marhan Group x L. martagon var. cattaniae x L. tsingtauenseBeschreibung:Dark wine red, slightly spotted; pollen orange. Fls star-shaped, 80mm wide. Lvs light green, marbled like L. tsingtauense. Stems 1.3m. Late June.Bezug:Salzborn: 2001;