Jiri Dudek
Bila Opava
Abstammung:Feuer und Rauch x Sterling Star Beschreibung:Inside creamy white, tips paler, throat yellowish; outside creamy, with purple ribs at the base; numerous, moderately sized, purple spots over 1/2 of each petal; pollen and stigma brown. Fls 190mm wide; petals 90 x 46mm, tips slightly recurved; pedicels 100mm long, green. Lvs alternate, 130 x 12mm, glossy green. Stems 1.4m, thick, brown. Early July.
Abstammung:((regale x unknown) x unknown)Beschreibung:Inside white, with pinkish edges, throat yellow-green; outside white, yellow-green at base, the ribs greenish with pinkish bases; unspotted; nectaries green; pollen yellow-orange; stigma green. Fls 120mm wide; petals 120 x 52mm, margins waved, tips recurved; pedicels 70mm long, spotted with brown. Lvs alternate, glossy green. Stems 1.3m, rigid, with fls in an umbellate inflorescence. Mid July.
Abstammung:Milk and Honey x Feuer und Rauch Beschreibung:Inside,lemon yellow, with a yellow throat; outside yellow with yellow-green ribs; very few spots; nectaries green; pollen orange-brown; stigma red-brown. Fls 180mm wide; petals 96 x 45mm, tips slightly recurved; pedicels 40mm long, dotted with brown. Lvs alternate, 140 x 70mm, glossy green. Stems 1.2m, rigid, brown. Mid July.
Abstammung:Davidii x Feuer und Rauch Beschreibung:Inside red, centre of flower blackish red, with a red blotch, throat red; outside dark red, with red ribs; moderately numerous, small spots over 1/2 of each petal; pollen orange; stigma red. Fls 80mm wide; petals 65 x 25mm, strongly recurved; pedicels 120mm long, spotted with brown. Lvs alternate, 120 x 8mm. Stems 1.4m, brown, with a long inflorescence. Mid July.
Abstammung:Connecticut King x Cervena Karkulka Beschreibung:Inside dark red, with an orange tinge, tips paler; outside dark red with red ribs; small, dense, black spots over 3/4 of each petal; nectaries red; pollen brown; stigma dark red. Fls 85mm wide; petals 65 x 30mm, strongly recurved; pedicels 85mm long, dotted with brown. Lvs alternate, 140 x 6mm, shiny dark green. Stems 1.3m, spotted with brown, hairy. Mid July.
Abstammung:((regale x unknown) x unknown)Beschreibung:Inside creamy white, throat orange-yellow; outside creamy, with pink ribs; unspotted; nectaries green; pollen brown. Fls 120mm wide; petals 120 x 48mm, margins wavy, tips recurved; pedicels 90mm long, spotted brown. Lvs alternate, 72 x 8mm, dull green. Stems 1.45m, spotted with purple and with an umbellate inflorescence. Mid July.
Abstammung:Cervena Karkulka x Hornback s Gold'Beschreibung:Inside red, centre of flower and throat orange-red; outside red; moderately sized, dense, black spots over 3/4 of each petal; nectaries red; pollen orangebrown; stigma black-red. Fls 95mm wide; petals 68 x 30mm, strongly recurved; pedicels 100mm long, brown, with secondary buds. Lvs alternate, 140 x 10mm, glossy green. Stems 1.4m, rigid, spotted with brown, brown at base. Mid July.
Abstammung:Davidii x Feuer und Rauch Beschreibung:Inside red, throat orange; outside orange-red, with orange ribs; moderately dense, large, black spots over 1/2 of each petal; nectaries dark red; pollen red-brown; stigma dark red. Fls 80mm wide; petals 70 x 35mm, strongly recurved; pedicels 110mm long, spotted with brown and with secondary buds. Lvs alternate, 140 x 6mm. Stems 1.4m, rigid, spotted with brown. Mid July.
Abstammung:White Princess ×Yellow Bowl Beschreibung:Inside creamy white, throat greenish; outside greenish, midribs brownish; spots purple, large, moderately numerous, in a third of each tepal; pollen brown-orange; stigma brown-purple. Fls 170 mm wide; tepals 85 x 32 mm, tips slightly recurved; pedicels 80 mm long, brown-dotted, with secondary buds. Lvs scattered, 85 x 13 mm, glossy deep green. Stems 1 m, thick, brown-dotted, with a moderately long infl. Early July. (Raised from seeds from a hybrid produced by R.A. Prochaska.)
Abstammung:Parentage unknownBeschreibung:Inside pink, tepal-centre cream, throat pink; outside pink, midribs green; spots purple, oblong, large, moderately dense, on half of each tepal; stamens rudimentary, brownish, lacking pollen; stigma purple. Fls 130 mm wide; tepals 68 x 30 mm, slightly twisted, margins slightly ruffled, tips recurved. Lvs scattered, 130 x 14 mm, glossy dark green. Stems 1.5 m, thick, green-brown, hairy in upper part. Mid July.
Abstammung:Parentage unknownBeschreibung:Inside pink, throat with cream band; outside with creamy midribs; spots purple, small, sparse, over a half of each tepal; stamens rudimentary, pink, lacking pollen; stigma pinkish. Fls 180 mm wide; tepals 60 x 20 mm, margins slightly ruffled, tips slightly recurved; pedicels 70 mm long. Lvs scattered, 90 x 10 mm, dull mid green. Stems 1 m, thick, dotted, with a moderately long infl. Late June. (Raised from seeds from a hybrid produced by R.A. Prochaska.)