Bronislaw Kondrot († 2004)
Abstammung:Candy Apple x Longistar GroupBeschreibung:Inside cherry red, with a few, tiny, brown spots over basal half of each petal; outside red-brown; nectaries pink; pollen yellow. Fls 180mm wide; petals 120 x 55mm, not ruffled, tips slightly recurved. Lvs alternate, 130 x 25mm, mid green. Stems 1.4m, green, with dark brown markings and c14 up- to out-facing fls (and secondary buds). Mid July. Tetraploid. A L. longiflorum/asiatic hybrid.Bezug:Salzborn: 1997,1998,2001,2006,2007,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2017; Mathys: 2011,2015; Wistuba: 2014;
Abstammung:(Preston Hybrid seedling x Mont Blanc ) x Longistar GroupBeschreibung:Inside creamy yellow, darker towards the base and with a green-yellow throat; outside green-brown; tiny, brown spots over half of each petal; nectaries cream-green; pollen dark brown. Fls 170mm wide; petals 110 x 48mm, not ruffled, tips slightly recurved. Lvs alternate, 100 x 17mm, dark green. Stems 1.1m, stiff, dark carmine brown, with 12 out-facing fls (and secondary buds). Mid July. Tetraploid. A L. longiflorum/asiatic hybrid.Bezug:Salzborn: 1997,1998,2001,2006,2007,2010;
Abstammung:(Unnamed orange seedling x unnamed cream seedling) x Longistar GroupBeschreibung:Inside light orange-yellow (25D), edged dark reddish orange (172B) in basal 1/3, throat moderate yellow (160A); outside light orange-yellow (25D), with green- brown midribs and moderate red (179A) suffused over basal half (strongest at base); dark reddish orange (172B) spots over 1/4 of outer petals, fewer on inner petals; nectaries greenish white (155C); pollen strong reddish orange (169A). Fls up- to out-facing, deep bowl-shaped, 170mm wide; petals 120 x 40mm, not ruffled, tips slightly recurved. Lvs alternate, 110 x 18mm, mid green. Stems 1.2m, rather dark green, with c.18 fls (including secondary buds) on pedicels 80-110mm long. Early-mid July. Tetraploid.Bezug:Salzborn: 1998,2006,2007;
Abstammung:(Unnamed orange seedling x unnamed cream seedling) x Longistar GroupBeschreibung:Inside brilliant orange (25C) with a moderate yellow (160A) throat, outside brilliant greenish yellow (151D), with dark red (187A) suffused over 1/3 of each petal and with greyed purple midribs; tiny, sparse, moderate reddish brown (175A) spots over 1/3 of each petal; nectaries yellowish white (155B); pollen dark reddish orange (173A). Fls up- to out-facing, 170mm wide; petals 120 x 50mm, not ruffled, tips slightly recurved. Lvs alternate, 160 x 22mm, mid green. Stems 1.25m, rather dark green, with c.14 slightly scented fls (including secondary buds), on pedicels 90-120mm long. Early-mid July. Triploid. A L. longiflorum / asiatic derivative.Bezug:Salzborn: 2007;
Abstammung:Candy Apple x Longistar GroupBeschreibung:Inside strong pink (48D), suffused strong purplish red (58B) on 3/4 of each petal and with a brilliant greenish yellow (151D) stripe above nectaries, throat brilliant yellow-green (149C); outside strong pink (48D), suffused strong purplish red (58D), with strong yellow- green (144A) midribs and a dark red (187A) base; sparse, moderate reddish orange (178D) spots over middle 3/4 of each petal; nectaries greenish white (155C); pollen strong orange (169B). Fls up-to out-facing, deep bowl-shaped, 160-180mm wide; petals 120 x 45mm, not ruffled, tips slightly recurved. Lvs alternate, 125 x 20mm, dark green. Stems 1.25m, rather dark green, with c.16 fls (including secondaries) on pedicels 80-110mm long. Early-mid July. A L. longiflorum / asiatic derivative.Bezug:Salzborn: 1998,2007;
Abstammung:((Sun Ray x Connecticut Beauty ) x Helenka )Beschreibung:Inside vivid yellow (17B) with a tinge of strong orange-yellow (22A) along basal 1/2 of midrib, throat strong yellow-green (144A); outside vivid yellow (17C) with a moderate reddish brown (175A) base and the midrib light olive brown (199B) in basal half; numerous, small, moderate reddish brown (175A) spots over the whole of each petal; nectaries white; pollen moderate orange (167A). Fls 100mm wide; petals 85 x 30mm, not ruffled, tips strongly recurved; pedicels 100-120mm. Lvs alternate, 70 x 11mm, pale green. Stems 1.4m, almost black, with c.18 fls. Mid July.
Abstammung:(Tabasco x Preston Group seedling) x Carolyn Marie Beschreibung:Fls with basal 2/3 and tips of each petal cherry red, remainder dark carmine brown, with a yellowish line above the white nectaries; outside cherry brown with a conspicuous greenish yellow blotch; pollen rust red; small, sparse, greyed red spots on basal 1/2 of each petal; stigma carmine brown. Fls 130mm wide; petals 70 x 38mm, not ruffled, tips slightly recurved; pedicels 70-90mm long. Lvs alternate, 70 x 9mm, pale green. Stems 1.0m, pale green, with 15-19 fls (including secondaries). Late June-early July.Bezug:Salzborn: 2000;