Pink Flight
Beschreibung:Inside of inner tepals mainly strong pink (54C) to vivid red (52A), tinged moderate yellow (163C) above nectaries and at tip; midveins greyish purplish red (N77D); throat moderate purplish red (185C). Inside of outer tepals mainly strong purplish red (54A), shading towards margins to strong purplish pink (55B) then strong orange-yellow (163B). Outside of tepals mainly deep pink (185D); outer tepals shading to moderate olive-green (146A) at base, to moderate purplish red (58A) at basal margins and towards tip, to moderate red (179B) along distal margins, and to strong yellow-green (143B) at tip; inner tepals shading to strong yellow-green (143B) to greenish white (157D) at base, and to moderate red towards margins (182A) and along basal margins (185B). Spots few, dark red (187C); papillae absent; nectaries strong yellow-green (143A); pollen brownish orange (N170A); stigma dark red (59A). Fls 180 mm wide; tepals 95 × 45 mm, margins smooth, tips slightly recurved. Lvs 130 × 20 mm. Stems 1.05 m, green with darker markings, with up to 10 fls. Published in: KAVB Registraties 2016: 10 (2017)Bezug: Strasser: 2019; Wistuba: 2019,2020,2021,2022;