Pearl Jennifer
Abstammung:Parentage unknownBeschreibung:Inside of tepals vivid yellow (12A); throat light greenish yellow (3C). Outside of outer tepals brilliant greenish yellow (6C), shading to vivid yellow (9A) towards margins; immediate tips moderate red (180A). Outside of inner tepals vivid yellow (9A), shading to brilliant greenish yellow (6A) beside midribs, strong yellow-green (143B) at base. Spots dark red (59A); papillae absent; nectaries strong yellow-green (143A); pollen dark reddish orange (173A); stigma dark red (183A). Fls 170mm wide; tepals 93 x 52mm, margins smooth, tips recurved. Lvs 84 x 12mm. Stems 1.2m, pale green with darker markings, with up to 4 fls.Bezug:Salzborn: 2010,2014; Strasser: 2015,2019; Mathys: 2011; Wistuba: 2014,2015,2016,2020,2021,2022; ELG: 2019;