Hybriden nach Alphabet - K

Karen North
Abstammung:(L. lankongense x Maxwill) x (Cardinal x (L. tigrinum var. flaviflorum x Enchantment))Beschreibung:Orange pink inside, orange pink with dark stripe along midvein of each petal outside; few dark pink spots; nectaries orange pink; pollen dark brown. Fls 80-90mm wide; petals 75 x 19mm. Lvs alternate, 128 x 14mm. Stems 1.35m, dark reddish, with 16-20, slightly scented fls. Midseason. An allotriploid.Bezug:Salzborn: 2012,2013,2015,2016; Wistuba: 2015;
Abstammung:Sinai x AventoBeschreibung:Inside light yellow, paling to yellowish white (158D) at tips; outside yellowish white (158D), with a soft green tinge; numerous, moderate sized, dark red (59A) spots on basal 1/2 of each petal; nectaries moderate yellow-green (146D); pollen deep purplish red (187D) on long, pale greenish yellow (1D) filaments; stigma large, pale orange-yellow, on a thick, pale greenish yellow (1D) style. Fls 170mm wide; petals 90 x 42mm, not ruffled, tips strongly reflexed. Lvs alternate, 71 x 11mm. Stems 1.0m, dark green with black markings and c10 fls. Early July. (Standard: colour print provided by registrant (WSY 0032256).)
Karin (98-08-1)
Abstammung:Piroschka x MünsterlandBeschreibung:Ic, 150 cm, triploidZüchter:Dr. Jörg M. Giffei
Käthe P. (96-02-2)
Abstammung:Birgit x Pastell-MixBeschreibung:Ib, 100 cmZüchter:Dr. Jörg M. GiffeiBezug:Salzborn: 2011,2012,2014;
Kerstin (04-02-1)
Abstammung:Unregistered seedling Indianersonne × GiraffeBeschreibung:Inside of tepals vivid red (45A); throat vivid reddish orange (34A). Outside of tepals strong red (46A). Spots numerous, moderately small ellipses or circles, dark greyish reddish brown (200A), widely spread and conspicuous across basal half of each tepal; papillae few, small, pinkish red, frosted; nectaries dark greyish reddish brown (200A); filaments vivid red (45A); pollen strong orange (169B); stigma moderate red (185B). Fls 130 mm wide, not scented; tepals 100 × 23[outer]-33[inner] mm, margins slightly ruffled, tips slightly to strongly recurved; secondary and tertiary buds present. Lvs 120 × 30 mm, scattered, moderate olive-green (137B). Stems 1 m, green heavily spotted dark brown, with up to 25 fls. June-July. Named after the registrant’s daughterZüchter:Dr. Jörg M. GiffeiBezug: ELG: 2019;
Abstammung:UnknownBeschreibung:Inside strong purplish red (60B), each petal lighter in centre, throat light green-red; outside strong purplish red (60B); pollen dark orange; stigma dark cherry-red. Fls 45 mm wide; petals 40 x 18 mm, margins smooth, tips strongly recurved. Lvs whorled, 150 x 40 mm. Stems 1.4 m, green, darker towards top, with c.25 fls; buds hairy. Late June. (Etymology: Kiara is a Latvian female name.)
Abstammung:L. tigrinum flavum x L. monadelphumBeschreibung:Farbänderung von muschelrosa nach hellgelb, pollenlos, nimmt aber Pollen asiatischer Hybriden und von Bill´s Special anZüchter:Karl KielBezug: Kühne
King Pete
Abstammung:Panamint Group x Connecticut KingBeschreibung:Cream and orange; orange throat, tips and outside cream; spotted; nectary light yellow-green; pollen light brown. Stems 1.0m. July.Bezug:Salzborn: 1994,1997,1998,2005,2007; Strasser: 2010,2015,2019; ELG: 2019;
Kirschroter Stern (Kirschblitz)
Abstammung:UnknownBeschreibung:Inside dark red, with few spots. Lvs dark green. Stems 0.6m. Late June.
Kirschroter Tänzer
Abstammung:Lake Tulare x an American hybrid with flat flsBeschreibung:Inside vivid red (46B); throat light orange-yellow (16C) at edges of petals, vivid orange-yellow (23A) in the centre; outside mostly moderate to greyish red (182A-B), light yellow (20B) near the base; dark red (59A) spots on the yellow centre of the flowers; nectaries moderate olive green (146A); pollen strong brown (172A); stigma dark red (59A). Fls 90-110mm wide; petals 85 x 25mm, margins not or very slightly waved, strongly recurved. Lvs whorled, 110 x 25mm, mid green. Stems 1.5m, green, with c10 fls. Mid June - mid July. (First published in Europ„ische Liliengesellschaft bulb list, 1998. Standard: colour print provided by registrant (WSY 0022859); name recalls the Polish dance Kiakowiƒk in which the dancers go up and down in the same place.)Bezug:Salzborn: 1998,2002,2012,2014;
Kleine Eva
Abstammung:(Unnamed seedling (no. AS12, ex Weidemann) x (yellow brushmark seedling x orange brushmark seedling))Beschreibung:Inside strong orange (170A), with a strongly developed double central rib; outside rather paler orange, with greyish yellow midribs; unspotted; nectaries yellowish grey (156A); pollen strong reddish orange (31A), filaments yellow-white; stigma dark purple (83A), on a yellow-white style. Fls 90mm wide; petals 70 x 24mm, not ruffled, tips strongly recurved. Lvs alternate, 70 x 24mm. Stems 0.8m, mid green, with c9 fls. Early to mid July. (Standard: colour print provided by registrant (WSY 0032257).)
Kleine Nachtmusik
Abstammung:Byams Ruby x Impact'Beschreibung:Vivid red (45A) inside and out, with a brilliant yellow (7B) suffusion in the throat and a few, small, strong brown (172A) spots around the centre of the flower; nectaries with greenish white (155C) hairs; pollen strong brown (172A). Fls 140mm wide; petals 75 x 30mm, not ruffled, tips not reflexed. Lvs alternate, 70 x 8mm, mid green. Stems 0.8m, almost black, with c.15 fls. Late June-early July.Bezug:Salzborn: 1996,1997,1998,2001,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007;
Komet Group (Kometen)
Abstammung:L. × dalhansonii Paisley Group X ((tsingtauense & martagon var. cattaniae) × tsingtauense)Beschreibung:Fl. colour varying from yellow, golden and apricot shades to wine-red; spots dark red and brown, on edges of up to two-thirds of each tepal; pollen dark apricot to orange. Fls c.30 × 70 mm, pendant or semi-pendant; tepals slightly to moderately recurved, very thick and shiny. Lvs whorled, c.130 × 45 mm. Stems 1-1.4 m, violet-dotted. Late June to July.